
At Pencoys, we value Religious Education (RE) as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. Our Religious Education curriculum, adopted from the Cornwall Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, 2020, aims to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage children, preparing them for life as a global citizen.

It seeks to equip children with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions, explore different religious beliefs, values and traditions and develop a more rigorous understanding of the numerous religious traditions, beliefs and practices that are followed in our multicultural society and around the world.

We want children to know how RE promotes discernment and enables them to combat prejudice, preparing them for adult life, employment and life-long learning.


RE is taught in accordance with the guidance set out in the Cornwall Agreed Syllabus 2020-2025. Medium Term Planning (MTP) is supported by a ‘small steps in progression’ document for each block to ensure progression.

RE is taught weekly as a discrete subject with links made to other areas of learning as appropriate and is enhanced by our whole school collective worship programme. We also use local expertise, visits and organisations to support and inspire our children’s learning in RE.

Teaching strategies are fully inclusive for all pupils. Learning is sequenced in a way that allows children to build knowledge and understanding, and recap learning regularly.

Our curriculum vision, values and drivers underpin all learning in RE:


We are Reflective

We are Kind

We are Respectful

Celebrate successes and learn from mistakes

Treat others how they want to be treated.

Follow rules and be polite








RE LTP Pencoys


What do pupils at Pencoys say about RE?

“I like learning about different religions and what they believe in.” Year 6 pupil

“I find it really interesting learning about festivals and celebrations in other religions.” Year 3 pupil

“We do different activities in RE including discussion, drawing and independent research.” Year 5 pupil

Through pupil conferencing, lesson observations, staff feedback and book looks we find:

  • Pupils enjoy their RE lessons and are confident talking about different religions.
  • Pupils have widened vocabulary and understanding to discuss their own views and those of others.
  • Pupils demonstrate an appreciation and respect of others’ views and world religions.
  • Pupils can discuss and challenge key questions.
  • Pupils can link their knowledge and understanding of different religions to their own lives e.g. the school’s Diamond Rules, British values etc

Find out more…

Useful Websites and Links

Explore the websites below to find out more about Religious Education and activities to do with your child at home.

Please note: these are external websites which the school has no control over.

BBC Bitesize RE KS1:

BBC Bitesize RE KS2: 






