
Personal Social Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is a fundamental part of learning for children. Here at Pencoys, this is fostered from the very beginning of our Early Years Foundation stage where children are encouraged to develop lifelong social skills and friendships. Our inclusive curriculum provides all children with opportunities to be expressive and understand the importance of moral values.

Our PSHE curriculum forms part of our wider Personal Development offer at Pencoys.

Personal Develpoment at Pencoys

RSE Policy 2024 review



Our PSHE is taught through the Discovery Education Health and Relationships Programme (including sex education – see RSE policy and guidance below). The programme teaches skills and knowledge allowing pupils to develop their own values and learning behaviour which in turn develops pupils’ well-being.

Discovery Education provides a progressive scheme of work for children rom Year 1 – Year 6. The programme consists of six half termly themes as outlined below:

  • Healthy and happy friendships
  • Similarities and differences
  • Caring and responsibility
  • Family and committed relationships
  • Healthy bodies and healthy minds
  • Coping with change

Our EYFS follow the same half termly themes focusing on their Personal Social and Emotional Development (PSED) and Understanding of the World. We have a dedicated pastoral lead who provides personalised and tailored support to individuals or group of pupils as required.

Our curriculum vision, values and drivers underpin all learning in PSHE:



Celebrate successes and learn from mistakes.

We are KIND

Treat others how they want to be treated.


Follow rules and be polite.


Environments Community Communication
Resilience Curiosity Creativity

PSHE Long Term Plan


What do pupils, visitors, staff and parents say about PSHE and Pencoys?

“If we were all the same, it would be such a boring world. Being different shows who you are. Be who you want to be!” Year 4 pupil

“We follow the Diamond Rules. They are rules for life not just for school,” Year 6 pupil

“We can talk to each other and ask each other if they are alright or sad?” Reception pupil

“Pupils enjoy their PSHE lessons, are given opportunities for discussion and to ask questions in a safe, supportive environment,” Class teacher

“I just wanted to email to give praise to all the children and staff who are on the London trip currently. We were sat near them on the train and they were all so polite and well mannered. They are a credit to the school.” Feedback from our Year 5 trip to London.

“I think the school and its staff are amazing. My children are very happy and content and love coming to school and are progressing well,” Parent feedback