Diamond Rules and Behaviour
Visitors to our school always compliment us on the fantastic behaviour and good manners of the children which makes us very proud. Challenging behaviour is something that is quickly addressed and supported with clear consequences and positive behaviour plans where needed – balanced with reward and recognition of good behaviour for all those who follow our Diamond Rules.
Our Pencoys Diamond Rules for life are –
Follow instructions with thought and care
Care for and respect everyone and everything
Show good manners at all times
We discuss with the children why these 3 rules are so important and remind them that these are rules to live by, not just in school but at home and in the community too.

We encourage the children to consider what it means to be a good role model for others and reflect on what this looks like in practice. Every week at our Celebration assembly, children receive celebration certificates for great learning and effort but we also award a special Diamond Award for those children who are consistently following the Diamond Rules for life.
In line with our behavior policy, we use a range of positive strategies to encourage good behavior:
- Diamond rules
Diamond awards and celebration certificates
Catch me doing cards
Behaviour diamonds
Success charts
Positivity charts
Learning habits (Resilient Rick, Resourceful Roz, Responsive Rita and Reflective Rob)
Rainbow passes